3 Ways to Build Your Resilience

The most successful people did not start out being successful. They have had to face many stumbling blocks to achieve their goals. It is fascinating how people keep going during tough times. Having the will power to keep trying regardless of the situation and not letting challenge derail your dreams is the definition of resilience.

Are you having trouble dealing with your setbacks? Here are 3 ways to build your resilience.

1.Embracing change

Understanding that things do not remain in the same state is essential. We all face challenges at different points in our lives. If you can accept this, then moving on from situations will be relatively easy.

You need to know that transitioning is a part of life, and you cannot do without it. You cannot evade change. You simply have to embrace them and get a solution.

Create a mentality that change is an opportunity for you to grow and learn from your experiences. Rejecting change could lead to anxiety. Positive self-talk helps out in accepting change. For instance, you could say to yourself, ‘’ Change is inevitable, I’ll get through this situation.’’

Being flexible will enable you to face your challenges in a better manner. Do not dwell on the past or keep blaming yourself for things not done. Instead, take up the challenge and use it as a stepping stone to your next level.

Embracing changes is a huge step towards building your resilience. You are an overcomer, and you will get through your situation in due course.

2. Have a positive mindset.

Negative thoughts tend to cloud our thoughts oftenly. These thoughts may harm the people around us and us. It would be best if you took away that negative mindset to be resilient. A positive attitude does not mean ignorance. It simply means you understand that challenges are temporary. And you can overcome these setbacks and keep winning.

Start by making positive statements in your mind. Instead of saying, “I can’t,” say, “This situation is difficult, but I have dealt with difficulties before, and I can go through it.”

Take exercises, meditate, and get some fresh air to rebuild your thoughts. Choose to focus on the positive side and be grateful for each experience. Reflect on your life and write down every positive experience.

Whatever you are dealing with could be complicated; however, remain optimistic and believe you can.

3. Make meaningful social interactions with the people around you

With whom do you interact? Your network acts as a support system during difficult times. Surround yourself with people who would do all that it takes to help you achieve. They should be people who would challenge you to do better.

Although you need supportive people during tough times, having people who criticize you positively is crucial. They contribute to your growth. You need a different perspective from your network so that you may make the best decision.

Listen to different insights, and do not be judgmental. A good social network will build your resilience and help you get through tough times.